Why You Should Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer (and How!)

Summer. The kids are out of school and it’s time for them to relax. But, what’s most likely is that you’ll be hearing woeful whining within a week’s time off. “I’m bored,” they’ll say as they move around the house.

No matter whether your kids relish the chance to watch tv, read and play all day or they have tendencies toward boredom, it’s a good idea to keep your kids busy this summer. Below, find the details of why and how you can do it!

Why Keep Your Kids Busy?

There are many good reasons to give your child some free time over the summer. But, going from an all-day school routine full of scheduled activities to nothing isn’t the best alternative. Here’s why you should include some activity and routine in your child’s summer plans:

  • Avoid the Summer Slide

Every year during the summer break students lose some of their math, spelling, and reading skills, studies show. Some people call this the “summer slide.” Because many kids forgo academics and may not even pick up one book during their whole summer break, it makes sense that achievement levels decline. Keep your kids active and involved in clubs, camps and local activities so that they start the new school year on track and ready to make progress.

  • Boost Motivation

Have trouble getting your kids out of bed at a decent hour? Struggle to get them to do their chores? It could be a lack of routine that makes them feel sluggish. Add some daily activities over the summer to keep motivation up.

  • Eliminate Boredom

Yes, you might still hear the occasional “I’m bored,” on a lazy summer Saturday afternoon. But, if you keep your kids busy, they’re more likely to know exactly what they want to do with their free time.

How To Keep Your Kids Busy

So, now you know why you should keep your kids busy. But how will you do it? There are lots of options out there. Depending on how old your kids are, you can involve them in the selection process so that they’re more invested in the activities you choose.

  • Summer Camps

Summer camps last all summer long or are just a week or two of fun-filled days. From sports-themed camps to creativity camps to educational camps, there are plenty of summer options for your kids to enjoy. Here we have an excellent summer camp selection on UrbanCircle. For kids who love football, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, dance, fitness; for kids who love to get creative; for kids who want to boost their academics; for special needs kids, for "in-between" kids who don't fit in neither mainstream nor special needs; we have one camp for everyone!

  • Babysitting

A babysitter can be a great way to make sure your child stays busy. Assign your babysitter with the task of making sure summer reading and math games get done! Often, kids are happier to work on academics with another adult figure. Eliminate the fights and arguments over summer reading and math by delegating it to the babysitter who comes on a regular basis.

  • Staycation Ideas

The idea of staycations is that you pretend you are a tourist in your city. So, do things that tourists would do! Visit local attractions and cafes, local library, pools and parks. Schedule in one of these activities every week to give your kids something to look forward to each week of summer.

The bonus is you and your child will create many positive memories as you stay busy during the summer months.

How will you stay busy this summer? Tell us about your plans in the comments below!

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